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Virtual Character Visits

Everlasting is proud to offer a variety of beloved characters that can virtually visit you in your own home!


We provide personalized recorded video messages from our prince or princess to yours, or we can help you tuck in your little ones with a virtual fairytale read by one of our characters! 


When booking a video message, you will be sent a questionnaire form so we can obtain all the information that we need to make the message special and unique for whom ever it is going to.

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Video Message Packages

Personal Video Message 


A two-minute personalized recorded video message featuring a beloved character of your choosing.


Virtual Bedtime Story 


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A five-minute personalized recorded message and a bedtime story read by a beloved character of your choosing. 

Virtual Fairytale


A ten-minute personalized video message and storytime (or singalong) by a beloved character of your choosing.

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